Barbie fairytopia mermaidia part 1

Barbie fairytopia mermaidia part 1

10th of October, MIYAZAKI THE ENVIRONMENT PART I: It is common knowledge that the environment plays an important role in the films of Miyazaki Hayao. In that way some weeks ago there was some news which very nicely illustrates this connection in the real world. Though it had been lying around on the desk for a while, it is still worth publishing and so it can be found below. The people of the Hirabari Environment Protection Association have been working on protecting a small forest in Nagoya and asked Miyazaki Hayao to give them advice on it. Miyazaki replied to them with the following message: Im backing you people of Hirabari Environment Protection Association from the bottom of my heart. Miyazaki Hayao, Fichi-no-mori chairman The age of an ever increasing population is over. The age of city outspread is towards the end too. We are now in an age during which we have to rebuild our country that is moth-eaten and fragmented by overdevelopment. It is an age in which we have to rebuild it for human and natural life forms to live comfortably in. In Tokorozawa and Higashi-Murayama we are working for growing the small forests that remain from development. Though we are far in distance, we are like-minded and we hope you can gather wisdom, power and money, and reach a good result. July 12 2009 As a result of Japans latest general election, in September government changes were brought from LDP, which had governed for 50 years, to DP, which has much more interest in environmental concerns than LDP. Recently, before the general election, the city mayor of Nagoya changed to Kawamura Takashi, who is part of the Democratic Party in a dilemma between environmental protection and land owner rights. On August 30th, Kawamura visited Miyazaki to get advice and the people of Fichi-no-mori Association held a cleanup at the forest. Known to some, Miyazaki has worked on this association for 20 barbie fairytopia mermaidia part 1 as a main member and contributed a lot of money by himself. Miyazaki generally doesnt like to meet politicians and so people wondered if he would appears at the cleaning activity, on the day of general election. However, Miyazaki appeared in overall and rubber boots. There he began cleaning immediately, though the people urged him to meet Kawamura. And so they went into the forest where Miyazaki eagerly spoke about his activity and gave Kawamura advice. It must be solved by local people. You should discuss with people, including developers, about what keeping green means. How about leaving the land development permission without signing? laughing This forest is our garden. Its a luxury, though we must pay its risk by ourselves. After the meeting Kawamura commented, I much appreciated him. You know, he is a kind of forest god. 10th of October, MIYAZAKI THE ENVIRONMENT PART II: Furthermore, on October 1 there was big news about a certain judgment that people might have read about. The court ordered not to landfill Tomonoura port, stating Tomonoura is the Japanese peoples property. It would be impossible to restore the scenic beauty of the area after the project is Tomonoura, located in the heart of the Seto Inland Sea, is just a small port but has long history barbie fairytopia mermaidia part 1 goes back 1300 years. It is the only complete port ensemble from the Edo period and the beauty of the moon-shaped harbour and small islands has long inspired poetry and strangely the local government had a plan to landfill it and build a road.

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