Hitman 2 mission 7 Even after

Hitman 2 mission 7

Even after almost 6 years, most consumers continue to proffer puzzled looks when these audio formats are mentioned. The new DVD formats are getting plenty of press, mind you, but with the Toshiba flop and lack of software, the fact that the Emperor has no clothes at least not yet is hard to avoid. Well the rule is that negative attention provokes more response. Thats why the news is riddled with dramatic stories. I wouldnt call millions of editorial words wasted. You could be sitting in an unemployment line as another option so I think. I trust the news media when I want to read creative writing passed off as accurate reporting. I think the reality is a lot closer to news media being rather clueless and of no help for consumers. Broadband and IPTV to Compete? Certainly is an option worth looking into. Having more sources of movies and entertainment only seek to broaden and enrich my choices. Id prefer both avenues. Theres far too many people trying to tell me why I shouldnt like HD DVD or Blu-Ray. Their myopic view simply is shutting off the overall picture. If you have an HDTV and you want to see the best picture possible you get HD on your cable or you purchase one of these players. Whether you consider the player to be a good value or not rest soley on your own preferences. HVD discs were said to be enterprise ready this year and capable of holding 9TB per disc. Thats the kind of thing I want to see from a next-gen disc format. Neither HD-DVD nor Blu-Ray offer enough storage to warrant such expensive upgrades. Hardly anyone will have HDTVs or fast enough computers to play HD media so getting HD movies is pointless. In terms of computer storage, most people will probably just get single layer discs like they still do with DVD, even though its been around for years. For HD-DVD, that gives you the equivalent of 3 DVDs of space and Blu-Ray gives you I dont see me ever getting anything related to HD-DVD. 3 DVDs worth just isnt enough. 5 DVDs worth I would consider if the burner came below ¸200 and discs below ¸ When people can demonstrate technology that gives you 1TB on a disc, both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD look quite pathetic. I think it would be great if they could make HVD discs 1TB each at the size of miniature CDs. Ive never liked the size of standard CDs/DVDs. Mini discs just seem much stronger and would make it easier to design smaller computers. Plus thats what they use in a lot of films. When you see them using a standard size disc in Mission Impossible, it looks clumsy but those tiny UMD size discs look great and would even be usable on an ipod. If were talking about formats that have been developed primarily for movie distribution and PC recording then that changes things quite a bit. HVD certainly sounds appealing but not as a movie distribution format but more of an archiving solution. While neither HD DVD or Blu-Ray offer a 13x increase in space there wasnt a need to require such a space increase. Music has always been easier to compress than video. A more appropriate comparison would have been to compare VHS to DVD. I assure you VHS holds more than 700MB worth of data. The next problem is that were simply looking from the wrong point of view here. The goal is to have transperancy from the master to the distributed format.

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