Talk to me lil wayne lyrics If

Talk to me lil wayne lyrics

If you cant appreciate the difference between HD and DVD just turn off the feature. I do agree though that it would be better if the 1 surcharge kicked in only if I got one or more BDs in a month. I dont know where you people live where you have all these Very Long Waits for BD disks I have never encountered that granted, its only been 2 months and have gotten all the movies in BD that I wanted mostly newer releases too immediately. I live near Detroit. At least since you are ripping us off for another buck, you should actually SEND SOME OF THESE BLUE RAY DISCS OUT?!?! I have seen my queue stay the SAME for over a month, all I see is LONG WAIT or VERY LONG great value we are getting about CANCELLING this service and heading back to blockbuster!!! If you talk to me lil wayne lyrics want to pay the extra 1 per month, go on back to BlockBuster. But I dont think you are going to get a better deal there. And how long do you think they will be around? If you dont want to pay the extra 1 per month, go on back to BlockBuster. But I dont think you are going to get a better deal there. Thats what a lot of us did. For the record, Blockbuster was 3 cheaper after the blu-ray surcharge is taken into account. As far as how long Blockbuster will be in well, seeing as how they have been around since 1985 12 years longer than Netflix I think your concern is ill-advised. Enjoy paying your extra buck to wait a very long time! If 1/mo is nothing to you perhaps we could exchange paypal info so you could start paying it to me mr money bags? It really stinks because many blue ray dvds have very long waits on them, so if you call and complain they have this speech already bla bla bla. Its just another way to syphon more money from their loyal customers. This is bad service. And were all paying the extra money for them. It seems like most large companies, Netflix is forgetting that there is a reason they are sucessful and big. With this announcement, the consumer is once again being gouged for updating the technology he/she owns. It is more than the dollar for the virtually non-existent price difference bluray being about 5-10 retail higher, although many titles can be purchased at the same price. I admit I do not know if the licensing for bluray rental is higher, but I doubt it is since its the films title thats licensed, not the technology it comes on. I asked for my gift subscriptions. I do not think I will ask again and if this policy remains in effect, I will look for someone who thinks of the customer and not how the talk to me lil wayne lyrics can get yet one more dollar from me. Netflix, shame on you for forgetting who it was that made you the on-line leader.

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