Unforgiven 3 He doesnt care

Unforgiven 3

He doesnt care that his thoughts arent interesting to her and treats her as a lower life form. When his girlfriend says she has to go and study, Mark responds, You dont half to study; you go to BU; implying that she goes to a less challenging school than Mark, who goes to Harvard and just bragged that he got a perfect score on his SATs. His girlfriend, Erica is tired of Marks narcissism and breaks up with him telling him, You are going to go through life thinking that girls dont like you because youre a nerd. Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, thats not true. Then a beat Its because youre an ashole. In his rage and feelings of hurt, Mark goes to his dorm and blogs about how Erica is a jerk and posts pictures of different Harvard girls and comparing which one is hotter. Marks blog generates so much traffic it eats out the electricity of the Harvard computers. Marks blog is a success and this leads to being approached by the Winklevoss twins to make a website where people can look up their friends at Harvard and talk about them and see their pictures. Mark takes this idea and turns it into a more ambitious project where instead of just Harvard students going on a website to see other Harvard students, any person can go on to see any other person, hence what is now known as Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg isnt a bully as the previews would lead you to believe. Rather he is a self-absorbed techie lacking social skills, a perfect candidate to build the largest social network ever. A social network where people can believe that they have a lot of friends without ever having to talk to them. This is perfect for a guy like Mark Zuckerberg. The Social Network is about Mark Zuckerberg getting sued by the Winklevoss twins for stealing their idea and by his former and only best friend well except for the ones on Facebook, Eduardo Saverin played by Andrew Garfield for screwing him over by having him removed as the co-founder of Facebook. The Social Network is well acted by all involved, especially Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg, who clearly has the most depth to him. You alternately hate Zuckerberg for his smug and coldness and admire him for his ambition, brains, and creativity. The writing is typical Aaron Sorkin: fast, clever and biting. The Social Network is a sad film because it shows how superficial we are as a society. We pretend to care about others, when all we really care about is ourselves. The Social Network isnt so much about Mark Zuckerberg as it is about uswanting to make friends but going about it the wrong way. Mark Zuckerberg may have made Facebook, a superficial social network where no one has to actually socialize, but we are the ones who go on it and help make it a success. I mean how unforgiven 3 of us text instead of talking to people face to face or on the phone. The unforgiven 3 of the film is a joke and a slap in the face, as the last scene of the film makes clear. I mean how many of our Facebook friends do we really talk to? Yep, we might not like the Zuckerberg The Social Network shows, but we are like himself-deluded narcissists who believe that we have thousands of friends, without even knowing what the word really means and how to treat them. Its been quite awhile since weve seen a Will Ferrell unforgiven 3 the bomb that was The Land of the Lost probably helped contribute to that. Will Ferrell is usually either very good or very bad. He is able to make funny material sound even funnier and bad material sound even worse. The Other Guys isnt an awful film, but those expecting non-stop laughs will be disappointed. The Other Guys stars Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg as two dumb cops Allen and Terry, respectively. Plot isnt important in a film like this, or isnt supposed to be. The Other Guys is just supposed to make us laugh. For a comedy, too much time is spent on the clich Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobes Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. Poppers Penguins Mr. Poppers Penguins Review in a Hurry: Cross-breeding pet antics from Ace Ventura with an absent-dad storyline from Liar Liar, this Jim Carrey and flippered-friends flick waddles unevenly through family comedy territory. Despite humor that relies too heavily on bird farting and pooping, the sometimes-sweet Penguins doesnt stink. Review in a Hurry: Not so super. Ryan Reynolds bulks up and suits up to play the popular DC Comics character, a top gun turned superhero. 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